Urban Entrepreneur Hear&Read Set

Written by Ron Berman
Read by Kyle Yates and Lauren McCullough

Product Information

This Hear & Read set comes with 4 Urban Entrepreneur titles, and 1 GoReader™ preloaded with the corresponding audiobooks.

Urban  entrepreneurs  are  the  driving  force  of  pop culture.  The  Urban  Entrepreneur  series  showcases  a diverse  group  of  successful  men  and  women  who grew up in the city. Discover how shoe companies use sports stars to target city kids and create billion-dollar marketing  plans.  Learn  how  fashion  trends  migrate through   mainstream   culture.   Uncover   how   some unlikely  circumstances  led  to  the  creation  of  foods that  we  enjoy  today.  Learn  how  innovators  like  Jerry Lawson and Lonnie Johnson made their great ideas a profitable reality. What’s your name? Make us remember you.


In this set:

  • 4 Urban Entrepreneur books: Food, Fashion, Innovators, Sports
  • 1 Urban Entrepreneur GoReader™ device
Reading Level: 4th-5th grade
Interest Level
: 6th-12th grade